Wednesday, August 21, 2013

I'm fascinated by your love, boy

Hey you, sleepless strangers!

Got myself to listening Company B's Fascinated tonight accompanied by Jim Beam's straight bourbon and Dreyer's whatever-flavored ice-cream. Anthony Portuguese (that's my Wednesday date) is silent tonight. Now sure if we are actually going to go through with our date. However, a new candidate has lit the horizon -- Andrew Dreyer. His surname is an homage to his obsessive talking about the Dreyer's flavor I picked for my binge eating tonight. Not sure if he's going to be anything special yet, since our conservation has been limited to whiskey and ice-cream flavors...

Anyhow, "I am fascinated by your love, boy." I keep dreaming and watching semis passing by my windows...

Monday, August 19, 2013

What happens when you are drunk and sleepless

My drunk and sleepless night led me to messaging 162 desperate online dwellers vs. 32 who actually typed up somewhat decent replies. Overall, my search looks semi-promising. It's amazing how much actual effort it takes to be able to A) get a phone number from a guy B) set up a date.

Speaking of flaking. SF is terrifyingly flaky in terms of dating, relationships and friendships. Take a guy I met a a month ago. Jake Bareback was very sweet and an excellent joker. Two minutes into our date, I've officially christened him as walking ADHD. He referred to himself as "high-energy" but I'm pretty positive it was just a euphemism. You know, one of those nice walks in the park when you are expecting to have a chill first-date conversation with your potential half. Unfortunately, a minute or two later you realize it is going to be a soliloquy. In any case, besides his preference for bareback sex coupled with verbal diarrhea, he was a professional flaker. During the first week of our encounter, we pixted some random stuff along with snarky comments, and set up a date at my place twice. He flaked both times. Interestingly enough, he was pretty responsive both times over text as if ignoring the fact he was to come by that night. Fuck me once, shame on you. Fuck me twice, shame on me.

Getting back to our okish cupids. There is this dude who seems promising. I'll call him Owl Dude for now since I don't really know much about him except for his favorite bird of prey for an ink. We texted yesterday exchanging pictures of each other. Today I popped the questions myself and he seemed invested enough to free up his schedule on Wednesday.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Dear Diary...

It's been a while since my last blogging experience. I can definitely say I've missed it! And now, after a roommate-night-slashing macabre I'm officially single both residentially and amorously. Which brings me to a new start in my dating life. So, what's out there?

My new experiment starts with OkC. So, far I've messaged 52 guys excluding my fake profile (I use it solely for torturing my ex). Over the course of three days, only 15 have actually replied. We'd traded numbers with one of them but it died out pretty quickly. I'm not sure how it is supposed to work. You text him, tell him your name, he texts you back and tells you his and... The curtain falls!

Two other guys: had pretty awesome conversations with both. Set up a date with one for tonight, gave him my phone number. No activity whatsoever. We'll see where this brings me by the end of this week.